Help CAZA Caloundra Rebuild
After nearly 2 years of operation, CAZA BJJ Caloundra has been forced to relocate at considerable expense due to government enforced planning issues. There are more expenses still to come.
Our teammates at Drop Bear BJJ have organised this fundraiser to help our Caloundra head coach, Andrew Bailey, meet some very unexpected financial obligations. As such, all proceeds will be donated to CAZA BJJ Caloundra to assist them with relocating and rebuilding their academy.
The gi only seminar will be taught by CAZA BJJ 3rd degree black belts Yoshi Hasegawa and Andrew Bailey.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu students from any gym are welcome, however CAZA members and affiliates will pay less as a thanks for their ongoing membership.
An open mat is planned immediately following the two hour seminar, so come in and have a roll with our team!
(Cash payments only - pay on the day)

- 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
- 3:30 pm - close
CAZA Members & Affiliates
Any current CAZA or Drop Bear BJJ member.
Any Other Gym Members
Students from any other club.
Venue Details:
Drop Bear BJJ
Marburg Showgrounds
45-55 Queen Street
Marburg, QLD 4346
- This seminar will be in our gi uniforms. You are welcome to bring your no gi gear for the open mat session that follows.
- This is a cash only event, payable on the day.
- Please direct any further queries to the team at Drop Bear BJJ.